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However, I did this already Wallace Rudo?

Captain Atom is still wearing a very vulnerable contain?

Atom besides standard powers like flight, superman level strenght and so on has quantim field/energy manipulation, atomic manipulation etc. Round 1: Post-Crisis Captain Atom vs. Monarch can destroy a continent at will, while Post-Annihilation Surfer can destroy a planet at will The Herald of Galactus vs The Quantum Field Man! Who wins? Let's find out!!Be sure to subscribe!Social Media:Facebook - DanCoTwitter - @officialdanco1 I think he might be more powerful than Surfer in raw power, but Surfer is probably more skilled. Both have the ability to manipulate matter on the molecular level and are widely considered to be among the most powerful heroes in their verses. becu ellensburg Not to mention a lot of people forget old SS scans, I'm pretty sure if SS was re-done. Hell, even switched-up, I like Sinestro & Captain Atom's chances. PC Atom should win outright with versions that occur during or after his trip to the Wildstorm universe. All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons in the nucleus and consequently have the same atomic number. obits taunton ma Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features,. Composite Pre 52 and New 52 version of Captain Atom and Alan ScottPost Annihilation Silver SurverStandard 616 Nova PrimeFight starts 10 m apartRound 1 Round 1: Captain Marvel(Carol, 616) vs Green Lantern ( Hal, Pre/New-52) Round 2: Ikaris vs Sinestro. Silver Surfer - Represented by: @citizensentry VS. BONUS: replace sentry with Silver surfer and replace captain atom with Orion Silver Surfer has de-atomizing powers, but might not actually powerful enough for that to work Batman VS Captain America; Ryu VS Scorpion; Deadpool VS Deathstroke; Kirby VS Majin Buu;. The debatability is unclear for both of them, since I haven’t done research for Captain Surfer yet, only Silver Manhunter tho N52 Captain Atom had a pretty serious upgrade that puts him well above Surfer in my opinion. kayla wallace feet Radd became the Silver Surfer, possibly the greatest of all the heralds to serve Galactus. ….

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